How Best to Learn Ubuntu 24x
Spell choice advice, 3rd level Artic Elf Wizard Universalist
what happened?
I heard that all my models from the last editions are no longer used and I can't use them why should I return
How would you handle the taming of an elite owlbear?
Wrestling with the Medicine Skill
Fighting Invisible Enemies
This happens way too much with new players.
Weekly Questions Megathread - January 29 to February 04. Have a question from your game? Are you coming from D&D? Need to know where to start playing Pathfinder 2e? Ask your questions here, we're happy to help!
The Vanishing, Brevoy
King Maker Battle Cards?
Saga Lands Irrisen - Anyone try to make sense of it yet?
Rank Paizo's PF2E AP's!? Do you agree with CBR?
Perceptions and Conditions Chart
Ending a 15 year Game Group
Critical hit deck too strong?
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again-LEGO>magnets
Ratatosk: Planar Guides and Squirrel-Folk Names
Is it actually bad to ask to reroll a (high) stat?
(Un)popular opinion: I don’t really like adventurers league
Adventure idea: A community of lizard folk slowly being taken over by a conspiracy of humans in lizard suits.
What's the most helpful item you've ever given to your players, or gotten from your DM?
RAW a character only needs to eat one every couple days- am I reading that right?
Why cheat the system?