Which game do you have the most hours on?
Which Month would win in a Free for All?
Describe your favorite anime with one word, and others will try to figure it out
What are you playing Wednesday!
What rank are you trying to get to on Marvel Rivals?
If you had to delete one of the mainline games from existence which one?
First video game comes to mind when you see this logo
What's the longest you've ever played a game in one sitting?
How tall are you?
Who’s your favorite obscure character?
What is the Oldest Pokémon Game you Own?
Do you guys think this is the best metal gear game?
What is your favorite Boss Fight in gaming?!
How can i turn of restricted mode on youtube
Is the game worth worth it now?
If you could only play one game for the rest of your life which one?
Three to protect you while the other six try to end you 6.0
What Do You Think Is Best Game Of 2001?
what is the longest play time you have on any game?
Is it just me or was this a really easy boss
If you could forget everything about a game and play it again which one?
Describe a Game poorly :3
What was the first game that made you realize videogames were capable of telling a captivating story and immerse you in its world?
What games should i get?
Is MG1&2 still worth playing if I have played MGS1, 2 and 3?