Just finished the anime, thoughts
Honestly stopped trying to analyze the show for a bit after reading this
The show and movie treat Shinji too harshly
The story punishes characters who want to be important
Looking for ending opinions from people who actually read the entire series
My fourth time lol
Just finished, thoughts on story and ending
Weekly /r/FinalFantasy Question Thread - Week of February 26, 2024
Legacy costumes are finally coming to Tales of Arise
Story Progression 85% - 100% Thread (ENDING & FULL GAME SPOILERS)
Been spending the past few days thinking about this...
FFXVI Ending Clarification
(Spoilers) We might need Leviathan DLC for this one...
As much as I love Floch, this is who the Yeagerist commander should have been
At this point, I think he doesn't even care.
Frustrated with handling of Kazuki and Miki
A Rose By Any Other Name . . . Is Still Ruby (jadenkaiba On DeviantArt)
Kota and Alisa in art books
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Vol. 6 Availability
Found this in r/anime, might be late, but felt I had to contribute
Who has the best chances of being Agent Six’s main love interest?
People say that Chaos;Child is a thematic sequel to Chaos;Head, but it think this applies to Steins;Gate as well
Saw this on 4chan a while back, seems relevant now
I did a thing in Elden Ring
Tucker did it first