Entitled mom demanded to know why I was at Disney "alone", immediately regretted it
Parents Harming their Kids is Becoming COMMON
Death Penalty for abortion
Safe haven boxes almost always have an “age limit” of around 30 days when it comes to babies they’ll accept. Why?
Please Help. Delete if Not Allowed. Very Desperately searching for specific item.
Help Me Identify this Stitch Pin
Who are you stealing from my shelves?
Another reason adoption is NOT the answer
Brought to you by the same Boomer who complains about seaweed washing up on the beach.
What’s your least favorite Pokemon type, and why?
What Pokémon did you originally hate before ever using it but now love after using it?
Racist boomer full of plastic surgery, starts racist tirade at the airport.
Racist Karen kicked off Airport shuttle for harassing man and his kids.
My baby on my squishmallows
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
A Thanksgiving Tale
Which Straw Hat Member would be the MOST afraid of flying?
What is your dog’s name VS what you actually call them?
How does he make you feel? 😈
Hello, my name is Dulche and I am from Peru.
Boomers and breastfeeding
Folding fabric
I got the call!
Sterilized, BUT…
Drawing your dogs LIVE today!
Will finding a reputable breeder be hard for me with my rescue background?