Repeat threads
serious talk what happened to zoh shia ? where is zoh shia armor set and weapons ?
How much temp HP on an early game item.
Witch Bolt: is it too strong?
Overkill? Automatic shotguns
Finally got the nerve to join another player on a hunt!
Multiplayer Wounds etiquette
Anyone getting Kenshi vibes from this?
For which weapon types is Artian the CLEAR winner?
Are Flip Traps worth it at higher difficulties?
Well this is Awkward
Amazing how graphically this game looks so much better than monster Hunter Wilds.
Should I let my players "talk their way out" of the final boss fight?
Im so lost.
What is the best ceiling trap for higher difficulties?
My thoughts about what the game need - as a solo player
Deathtrap has too many obstacles in the way of actually playing the game as you want it
i was on autopilot trying to join hunts and i almost joined this guy
how to not attack the weakest player specifically while also making fight logical .
What do this Sub think about this Shotgun with an Axe head? And bayonets in general?
How many people actually use the 2 weapons system?
No more charged shell wake ups for this guy.
How to stop dying using weaker characters
Challenge: build a cleric stronger than a paladin in melee
Only 5%?