It seems as the Mussolini regime fell quite quickly after mainland Italy was invaded, but why?
What’s your most underrated album/split
Are people actually this stipid
Just because we like it doesn't mean it's midwest emo
Straight Edge and Risk of Falling into the Right Wing
Boycotted bands?
What was the reaction in the existing socialist/communist community to Karl Marx and the popularity of the Communist Manifesto?
FBI's most wanted is a straightedge kid apparently
What happened to the cultural melting pot of imperial Rome?
Any adapters available for Schneider Componar 75/4.5?
Talk me out of selling/trading my 500CM, 203FE and lenses to get a digital MF camera (most probably Fuji GFX)
Screw haters whats your favourite long name/no space band
Your First Camera vs Your Latest Camera
It’s in fact a War Game
Went through 1500+ photos taken by my grandfather using a 500 series Hasselblad
What are your go-to 120 film stocks?
I do not plan on shooting large format however I do have a question, why do you guys do it?
Using my new (to me) 500c/m for the first time
Did low-ranking soldiers in Germany, Italy, and Japan just go back to their pre-war everyday lives?
Favorite Gimmick Bands?
Recently i get this ae1 program. Everything works fine (i spent 3 rounds) but the shutter button is jamming and fixing itself without doing anything. I changed battery but the problem continues. I could not find anything about random button jam. You guys have Any idea?
Curious on what y'all think about tobacco/nicotine free cigarettes?
What cameras do you regret selling?
Anyone here from Britain?
High quality marxism found on ultraleft