My Etsy is called TrinketStand! Link in post
IIL BGM 3 from Mario Paint, WEWIL?
Got my girlfriend a humidifier for Christmas. This was her room when we woke up.
Ping Pong ball bathysphere I threw together.
Who's your dream Dropout guest and what show would you want them on?
Scratch built bathysphere from a Ping Pong ball
i made the knights skulls in my ceramics class
Pikmin 4 DLC boss concept WIP
handmade steampunk gear earrings
hi bob :
Does Anyone know where I can get a real steel replica made of the Demon Blood Sword from Adventure Time? Any websites or blacksmiths online that anyone knows that could give me an estimate on the price would be much appreciated!
My deep sea diving suit
Photograph taken from the first bathysphere diver’s journal, in the Bermuda Triangle.
Very Important People
Made a Boiled One costume for Halloween this year
I really wish BioShock was just Rapture.
The luck in how this tree fell in my friend’s yard during Milton
I’m a crab fisherman (deadliest catch type thing) AMA
Asking my Girlfriend to Marry me last night.. She said YES!
books that feel like this
Did Aperture employees know that GLaDOS was up to something in that short period where she was still online and had yet to kill everyone?
Sewn fan art of Doc's hourglass
Another scissor dagger complete!
The last song people here listened to
Red onion giving birth