Euphorbia schoenlandii
Euphorbia stellispina
Ferocactus glaucescens inermis
Euphorbia mammillaris stricta
Cyphostemma weeping?
A. nudum variegata
Help needed
Echinocactus texensis
help identify - I'm thinking E horrida?
Senita ‘Woolly Rhino’
Jatropha podagrica
Euphorbia pulvinata 4 years ago vs now. Is this slow growth + corking normal?
Succs & Flowers?
Huernia ‘Hells Bells’ horns
This is the reason why I can't bring myself to get rid of this old, beaten up thing.
Euphorbia Inermis hybrid maybe
Dried Flowers
Elephant Bush cascade
Boojum seedlings
Aloe elgonica
Have you ever smelled the flowers?