Baby rejecting bottle feed
When did you feel movement for the first time?
Why does azula have blue fire bending ?
Miracle pregnancy but boyfriend wants abortion
Just an appreciation on the brilliance of this scene
AITA for announcing my pregnancy at my sister’s wedding after she did the same at mine?
Serious question...What do you women/girls feel about male ObgYns? Would you go to a male OBGyn or would try to switch as much as possible?
AITA Took petty revenge on my partner.
WIBTA if I reported my husband’s friend to the police?
I am SO sick of people asking when we’re having our next baby (I’m in my 3rd trimester)
Do you get compliments when wearing Chanel No. 5?
After months of trying for a baby, I got an abortion and told my husband it was a miscarriage.
what song is this for you?
Belly skin stretching and burning
Dealing with angry MIL
Inconclusive googling re: lactation...
Any one else EXHAUSTED
Your opinion on this movie
Why do I smell women’s hormonal cycle? How do I stop it?
Is the 5-5-5 rule unrealistic?
Hyped Products That Disappointed You
moms who choose no epidural aren’t doing it for bragging rights
AITA - GF insists she doesn't need me so I stopped doing things for her
I want to have sex everyday, my wife hardly does it once a week and I feel like she is just doing it for me!