Please pray so that I am not left alone with my abusive parent again
Can you name anyone successful in the public eye with Complex PTSD?
Got Covid now again for the 4th time and found out there’s no treatments anymore
Does anyone else’s trauma have to do with school and bullying?
How long has it taken you to get over your friend breakup?
Finally got approved- I’m actually crying
I'm going to rate your favorite pokemon on a scale of 1-10
DAE become overly nice due to trauma?
I truly HATE that i was BORN. NOTHING BUT SUFFERING SINCE I WAS BORN. i am alone and no one taught me to be strong or make it through life.
I used be very sexual online.
Find your big 3 twin!
Women, what's more attractive to you: a handsome face on a slim body or an average face on a tall, muscular body?
How has bullying affected you in the long-term?
Kum @ Fourth Annual Academy Museum Gala
How To Know If You're An 8
Drop your big 3 and I'll stereotype you!
This could have been you, Kimothy, if you didn’t botch yourself
Which physique out of these two would be considered more attractive and aesthetic comparatively? Is the second one too mascular for female gaze?
Which show ended so poorly that you really wished you hadn't invested so much time in it?
Passive aggressive/ bitchy hairdressers hate long hair
Just a drop of mascara 💅🏼
Who was Taylor Swift’s most attractive boyfriend?
Does SSA keep up with getting your medical records after each appointment up until they make your desicion?
Can everyone tell me their fav song from one of my top artists & vice versa ?
did anyone else become a hermit to avoid suicide?