Got hired today!!
Future outlook on MLS pay seems bleek.
Would being a "lead" tech open any doors for me?
I've started withdrawing applications
At first I thought they sent the wrong gray top
Doomsday is coming for Diaper Boy
Some just want to watch the world burn!!
Patient drinking methylene blue
dream job? no. work nightmares.
Remember, no matter how shit your life is, at least your not shirtless in a car with a former pimp.
Gay confirmed
New toughest Josh pic
No words
Alex is coming for us 👀
Full bottle of bailey's at 2am
Great reaction as always
“Ummmm can someone please tell me why my ABG is cancelled?!!!!!??”
(Vent) Finally landed a job but there's so. much. junk out there.
Can I get a license without going to school for it?
Patient reports she drinks "1-2 glasses of wine here and there"
I need help deciding if I should keep it short or grow it out.
Work Schedule with School
I haven’t received a haircut in two years. How to fix this?
Joshua Belfast train station crash out