Unpopular opinion: Cynthia Erivo’s performance in Wicked fell flat for me
Do not order red light devices from Joovv or PlatinumLED
Weight gain and bloating during tapering?
Filmmakers: What makes an actor’s reel stand out?
How much was your ticket?
'Wicked' - Review Thread
Successful Taper
Am I the only one…
Has anyone else experienced a worsening of dry eye symptoms in the days/weeks after IPL?
Blepharitis from demodex eye mites - cured!
Joovv vs platinum LED
Joovv go battery
Joovv reviews?
Joovv Elite 3.0 vs Mito Panels
Joovv and their horrible customer service and filtered out reviews
Joovv Class Action lawsuit
Analyzing Taylor Swift’s Personality
Can’t sleep on Effexor 😴
taylor’s enneagram? the helper OR the achiever
[SERIOUS] How can I ensure I release all my poop before the race?
Visiting Toyos for the first time. Any suggestions or advice?
'Toyos Dry Eye Diet' Recipes No Where To Be Found?
The Q (Quantum) by Dr Toyos does worth its cost?