Post primary music teacher
Do ye think that student teachers are getting worse in recent years?
Struggling in PME
Experience marking mock papers?
It's Sunday Morning! How are you?
Predicted grades - UCAS
Working During The PME
Orange weather warning for most of the country for tonight and tomorrow night… is your school closed?
Dating apps are terrible. Where to meet people?
Undergrads and LC students of Ireland - where do you guys look for or find grinds and tutors?
How do I get over a break up ?
I don't know what to do?
Those who have demanding schedules, at what part of the day do you compose?
Sick Note for Family Member Illness
Should you tell the bf/gf if a person cheated on them with you?
Anyone else struggling with the thoughts of going back to school?
Opinions on “75 hard”?
Anyone miss their friends after finishing college?
Anything over the counter fir Anxiety
What made you break up with a friend?
What do you do to unwind after work?
Sick on breaks
What’s a good healthy breakfast for someone trying to stay fit?
MFL teachers, how much of the target language do you speak in the classroom?