Jewelry store recommendations in London
Quilters, what are your current/former professions outside of quilting?
Dog has anal gland issues and surgery is recommended. We are worried.
Christmas Movie filming today - anyone know what it was?
Got laid off today, but at least I finished my latest quilt top
What is the right amount of money to give a couple for their wedding? It’s at a beautiful farm and it’s from 1pm to 11:00 pm with wedding breakfast, hors dourves dinner and dancing. There are two of us going.
Pub wedding
Thoughts on these fabrics so far? I’m going to do 8 to 12 different fabrics, but I don’t want any solids other than the white
Holiday party quilt!
The Cost of Quilts
TED appointment
Our dog is getting his anal glands removed. How serious a procedure is this?
Pattern ideas for a modern/abstract tapestry faux headboard?
Brothers from another mother? 😂 my dog and friends highland cow
Best bed sheets in 200-300$ range
Blood after poop - looks oily? Swipe
Best linen bedding I can get?
Best pillow that you can get in the UK?
Favorite quality fabric brands?
Which colour layout looks best - swipe to choose. Let me know below
Loving British Pubs a little too much 😉➡️
Did I totally buy the wrong fabric choices for this quilt?
Muppet Christmas Carol
My first quilt! Gifted to my mom for Christmas
Frying help - should I increase 1/4 seam allowance here?