Crye Avs harness finally arrived, thoughts so far?
Well the wife says I have to sell my 67 coupe…
You can save only one round 2 here is link to the poll
What Slipknot song is this for you
EOTech Delamination
skinny white boy black tactical gear kit how’d I do
What is this helmet ?
Dude, helmet covers are expensive. So I made my own.
An Ops Core that stood the test of battle
Plate carrier ID?
Should I just sell this for some gpnvgs?
What’s this?
Talk me out from switching to a C6 ZR1
What’s with the C3 hate?
What do you think?
Full kit (WIP) (What should I add?)
Camo recommendations 🗿
[WTB] Crye AVS Plate Bags (MED Multicam, MBAV or Standard is fine), $350?
[WTB] Crye AVS Plate Bags (MED Multicam, MBAV or Standard is fine)
WTB Crye AVS Plate Bags (MED Multicam, MBAV or Standard is fine)
The Wilcox G24 Lite BNM
What's the point of these AVS cummerbunds if the harness has molle????
Anyone know how much these plates would go for?
Looking for recs of cars with pop-up headlights (im very new to cars)
What Slipknot song was this for you?