My 13 year old lady was approved for declaw salvage surgery today!
Self Defense Tips Needed
i love having an affectionate cat and i can’t stand when people say all cats are evil
Addicted to opioids (18) to (20). Now (21), sober, and grateful.
TIFU by Falsely Reporting a Fire
Give it up to this angel as he became cancer free.
Miniature version of the house from the movie Up!
Bringing a cat to say goodbye?
Pole grip recommendations?
Question: How to buy a home?How do you claim/file income in order to get a loan for a home? I’m a total newbie and don’t even know where to begin, thanks in advance!
What is a profession that used to be highly respected but is now seen as a joke?
what's a piece of advice that can apply to just about anything?
Do Americans generally know the different words for objects/things in other countries?
How to deal with men trolling you constantly online?
What's a movie that made you think, "Wow there was definitely not a single woman in the writers room."
A general observation about posts men make about their wives
Can we please get mods to deal with the “baby dancers” who have never actually stripped before?
Do you eat/enjoy honey?
When ya gotta go
I just made an appointment to get sterilized
“Your body my choice” is already on dating app profiles in my area
Stripping saved my life😩
Why do people hate strippers so much?
I feel so alone, but I love to recall my favorite memories
4 months later and I'm a mess