Ok we’ve had a lot of bashing, but was anyone here actually HAPPY with W&T?
The commission of my character for stormlight RPG. Rilan Sadeas, the Disavowed (by @Gar_leyva)
Spanky the corpse wins the cosmere’s weirdest ship!
Expand spearhead
WIND AND TRUTH | Full Cosmere + Wind and Truth Spoiler Megathread
Fun Guard color scheme idea. Please talk me out of it
In death atonement…BUT
Are 60 guardsmen enough?
Am i making Dark Angels? Black Templars? Answer: Yes
Preview Of New Krieg Units!
Esto es cierto? es una pizca de su pasado como Krork?
What Made You Choose The Guard?
Beste manier om te beginnen met MSCI World?
Read Wind and Truth by Brandon Sanderson: Chapters 23 and 24
My mind has been consumed by two things
I need help naming them
Did my preorder for Wind and Truth and saw how long the audiobook was. This books gonna break us isn’t it?
Minsc voice lines video?
What do you guys think we'll get for the year of chaos?
Napoleonic Death Korps. Yay or Nay?
I arrived to the worst moment in life for a Imperial Guard player: Not a -1 save, not a rebasing crisis….emigrating (or moving)
What happened to Ironjawz?????
Made a Fan-Interlude for my back-up character (WoR spoilers)
I have written a fan-interlude for my backup character in Stormlight RPG