What happens if a dragon has a kid with a wyvern?
Shoutout to the players who don't know any rule. Love those people.
Woah the manga komi can't communicate ended today
Maybe not a dispute? Just sad.
Players won’t send me their character sheets?
What do you think will be the theme of his next album?
How do DMs like BLeeM connect things that happened in sess 1 with stuff in sess 50
Why Is Undead Homebrew So Hated?
Weekly Questions Thread
Which is better 6 saves or 3 saves?
[OC] Oaths with a neutral tone.
Message spell
Need help with map building
[HELP ME] Bi-Weekly Q&A thread - Ask your questions here!
I am FIENDING about this idea
Need help in making a character in Dnd Beyond
Would gods/celestials remember creatures eaten by a false hydra?
Player unintentionally copying?
How many Pages should a campaign be
School group- high roleplay and low/no combat campaigns?
Half Hag Help
Is there any specific rules for "Broken rib" or other Wound results?
Rules question about enemy wounds
Project for an application/social/website for character sheet management
[Art] Elvish Sorcerer