Issues with using Bluetooth headset on my computer
Influensere på restaurant
Pulse Elite issues
Current status on player activity in Europe
Tidligere generalsekretær i NATO Jens Stoltenberg setter Donald på plass
Hvorfor er såkalte grønne partier og politikere innvandringsvennlige?
Se der ja
Which game do you like more?
I fucking hate myself ever since I started balding
WYR Pick someone else's booger or have your nose in someone's butt crack while they fart?
LPT: When cooking, you can weigh ingredients by how much you remove from a jar/container. Put the container on the scales and the amount removed will show as a negative value.
What's your opinion about Tomcat? [1024×712]
Felt a small pain in my toe working all day. Ended up being a hair splinter, was not prepared for how long it was…
Sharing another picture of how i until now (after 400h playtime) thought the molduga's eyes were placed.
Experienced some mandela effect shit today. Always thought the eyes and nostrils of the molduga were like an alligator.
What is your favorite map to play infrantry on besides Lockers and Metro? (Any game mode)
Strong winds create unusual shapes in the frozen sand alongside Lake Michigan
Skulle ønske Kongen kunne si noe annet enn det samme som året før
Lørdag er det stengte veier på øya igjen
Best place to place your travel medallion?
People at 150 with 100 Service Stars
Utleier mener noen bor ilag med meg?
1 av 5 .. Det er mange
What do you suppose they are talking about?
How do you Battlefield