What next to upgrade on current build (gaming pc)
Thoughts about this so far?
Someone can give advice to beat everyone with nunu
Best high ping heros?
Release strong, sell skins, Nerf for balance later
When xQc meets normal DotA 2 enjoyer
It seems that after this patch, it will take 882 hours to get a new hero for free。
Am i seeing this correctly?
Riot pls
Someone explain why new players aren't allowed to play jungle or use spells like flash?
Why does Sejuani have such low winrates compared to all other tank junglers?
karma at higher latency
Is Rell difficult to play? (And why so)
faceit 3300 elo, 4kill
Lethality nasus
Using Poppy w reactive-ly
Ls quit streaming?
Thoughts on smolder at higher pings? (stable 90+ )
This Champion feels like mental 500 apm
i expected his graph to be the exact opposite of this
I got this nice shot with the glock on Anubis today!
Playing around and reacting to early invades
Your champion is disgusting
Anyone else feel that the art has gotten harder to follow as of recent?