What's the worst song you've heard
Would anyone come to a fan meet up at Mcm next year?
Trans Man here hi I was the person who got called coconut head from ned's declassified on this sub
This song is so good
What’s y’all’s favourite book?
i will be trying to quit self harm
My daughter did another sketch of The Rev ✍🏻
Is there anything clockable or that I could improve on?
My feed is saying I belong here. Look at me, I don't belong here
Creepypasta vs reality
My chicken strip looks like the boomerang bird from angry birds
Dude who lowkey has zero personality starter pack
Who is your favorite band/artist?
The MC of my Webtoon is a scene skater kid, so I thought I'd share some art of his design here! LMK what you guys think :)
help making her look more scene?
Skin Care Advice
Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row?
ADHD Starterpack
Viator Anniversary!!!
As children, you more girly or boyish?
i will kill my brother😁
i don’t know anything about tally hall. AMA.
Cis guy tries to apply makeup for the first time, 37 dead, 203 injured
Has this been here before?