What Characters Frequently Have Their Names Mispelled?
People Who Don't Normally Ship Real People, What's Your Favorite Real Person Ship?
Does anyone else get ridiculously happy over comments?
What fanfiction sins are you committing?
If you listen to music on YouTube, disable "Stable Volume" under settings
is there a popular headcannon in your fandom that you don't like to use?
Where do you write?
What ship did you never expect to like?
Picrew not loading
How to better flesh out an OC?
What are your favorite gen relationships to read and write?
What's a trope or cliche that isn't necessarily bad but you just can't bring yourself to read?
Looking for recs (your fav work that YOU wrote)!!
What's the strangest/most unusual comfort character you've had?
How to stay interested and engaged with the story i’m writing?
If you could add a new Pokémon typing to the game what would it be
Fuuuuuuuuuk Dancing
Who needs to breathe anyway
People can be so mean sometimes
Picky eaters will be picky.
What ages are people in this sub?
Put characters from TV shows down below that you think fit this. I’ll see how accurate it is.
Thought I share my collection (dinosaurs are my special intrest)
I found some cool rocks at the beach (and a shell)