What’s the longest it’s taken you to farm a frame
Now at 1,500 votes. We need 10,000!
Which hud is your favorite?
I imagine this would make people consider whether its worth really leaving at all
I seriously love this game!
Fallout 4 on PS5 not working
I don’t want the Finals to go down this path
Which games match this description?
Dies to mysterious gas
Spawns must be fixed.
These spawns must be fixed!
I'm losing this game aren't I?
New weapon leaked by CNS????
Trust the process
Dak what is that😭
These respawns must be fixed!
Brv, bronze and diamond on the same team
My win to loss ratio is a sad thing to behold
Defib should be buffed, they are way too nerfed.
Was Seoul always like this?
Fame Points Issue
Been rocking the same Heavy loadout for weeks now, what's an underrated combination?
The finals Hotfix 1.5.1, ads bloom fixed!
Patch 1.5 patch notes