Experiences with May Taurus?
Any thoughts on Taurus Woman x Scorpio Man
Everyone talks about how stubborn Taurus is, but nobody ever talks about how much pressure we put on ourselves…
If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would it be ?
My (25F) bf (33M) says I am obsessed with sex
What's your Venus Sign and have you ever cheated & Why?
He kissed me then commented on my facial hair
Do Taurus guys ever reconcile with their ex?
why does no one talk about how crazy and (lowkey) unhinged taurus women are
Is Taurus the most passionate sign?
For those on Metformin, how did you deal with giving up alcohol?
Any other Tauruses struggle to feel wanted or loved?
Taurus Venus acting like this?? Is it normal
Thoughts on Taurus x Taurus compatibility
His dating profile says Scorpio and his last message only proves it lol
Signs a Scorpio isn’t over someone?
Sex drive?
Appearance and the love of food
my opinion on each zodiac sign as a scorpio male
give me your big 3 and ill give you one word that describe you best
Another day, another post from closure guy…
Falling for a Taurus Man as a Scorpio Woman and am feeling heartbroken
that one person that you can’t get over
Taurus men
Tauruses, Which Signs Have You Been with for Years and Lived the Happy Life You Wanted?