What's the minimum padding requirement (14oz?-16oz?) for sparring in most gyms?
One punch
Should uniform cost that much?
As of this moment, I have acquired all the mods in the game
This brand is called “Cook With Color” and every single thing they sell is beige.
Was just enjoying some ketchup flavour crisps when suddenly
What martial arts have you practiced or have you practiced or do you want to practice?
Being a little fat in martial arts
What is your motivation for practicing martial arts?
Any effective martial arts where I can still continue lifting weights?
this is my inside/out Nyx
Is ITF taekwondo effective in a street fight
No sense in telling him he's not a dog
I'm developing a wall-running system for my Blueprints Forever kit. Here's a glimpse of it.
Bow stacking is weirdly hypnotic
I parried so good that the blast just stuck to me lol
Heart went up into my throat playing the game at 3am jumping into a chasm and seeing this 😭
Have i broke the system?
How do I go back
[Nidus] King's Fall
[Nidus] I just find black with blue accents mesmerising
My friend just got me into Warframe, turns out I have a closed beta account from twelve years ago! Completely forgot about it.
He thinks you're gay, is it true? 👀 [SELF]
(art by me)
Someone left their Loaf. (Art By Me)