Please, just leave my name alone
Whenever I say I want a beard in the future, people ask what kind.. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS KIND IS CALLED PLEASE HELPP😭😭
UPDATE: to "I didn't seek this revenge, you asked for it"
The Coffee Line Karen Payback
I didn't seek this revenge, you asked for it....
New Immortals
Mom Switching Over
Police used force against man who died at PDX airport Saturday, video by bystander shows
Reverse Takeover
Rate my setup. I just found the absolutely perfect 90s desk for my retro battle station.
New Seasons Labor Union calling for customer boycott of all locations through the holiday season.
Would you live in a care home specialised for ME?
how do i come out?
You get $1 million dollars, but have to poop in every county in Iowa. You have 3 months to complete this challenge
No, actually it was my mother...
What do guns get us?
ELL for obscure language?
Uniform Order Says nothing on the belt, Sgt!
My opinion of my parents has changed completely since having kids
Beware of NHS ME/CFS clinics
woman denied a placement in valorant Esports teams cause at least one person said they were uncomfortable playing with a woman
Bio dad finally pays child support after not paying almost my whole life??? My mom and I are laughing our asses off!
Our shelter puppy, any guesses on breed?
Kansas Librarians Sue After Being Fired Over Autism Display Mistaken for LGBTQ+ Support