Sabaton 6 de Mayo
Alguien va al show SABATON - Wars & Wolves Metal Fest - 6 de Mayo de 2025?
Looking for people going to SABATON - Wars & Wolves Metal Fest - 6 de Mayo de 2025
Another GL fix implemented that they are not mentioning.
Reconstrucción del policía que disparó el cartucho de gas lacrimógeno que impacto de lleno en la cabeza del fotógrafo freelancer Pablo Grillo. A la policía se le enseña que el gas se debe disparar a 45º
Pacifist run ( 0 combat score) is it possible? Was it done?
Pro-Brexit politicians promised to cut migration and now it is 80% higher than before Brexit - what do you think about it?
[KCD2] Why can they have functional hoods but we can’t?? We demand functional hoods, Warhorse!
NPC says Henry should not waste his talent and go learn from an Armoursmith in Kuttenberg [KCD2]
Hard to swallow pills
Improving graphical effects
Weird find in Trosky Region [KCD2]
I’d like to see this as an April fools day event
¿Cómo preparan/disuelven la proteina para que no le queden grumos?
PC restarts constantly
Upgrade from 2060 super to 4060ti?
Want to mod more ammo into a gun
El Peso Argentino podría llegar a salvarse con Milei
The more 1911s we get the better!
Machine pistols of John Dillinger and Baby face Nelson by gunsmith Hyman S. Leyman
Ultimate Hipster cycle of violence? Italian 1912 Bianchi Militare mod. C
Gold order weapon idea??
Tank version of the Madsen light machine gun with a 80 round drum magazine used by Sweden in the 1930's
What if..?
What will happen to Gold Weapons once the BR system is applied?
The guns that will become unobtainable will still be able to be upgraded?