BidA wenn ich einen farbcodierten Abfallplan ins Treppenhaus hänge?
Why this small white line coming under WiFi after I customising wallpaper? and I restarted my phone . But still it is not happening.
Was bedeutet das?
What’s the best apple subscription?
Need way to downgrade from iOS 18
Why do my University website safari tab icons turn into the Spankbang logo?
How can you rearrange the control center after the 18.2.1 iPhone update?
Show off how you customized your control center!
Need to update my phone, but I don’t want to upgrade to 18
What would you remove from iOS?
Is Face ID really safe?
How can you rearrange the control center after the iOS 18.2.1 update?
Sind 1,495 EUR / Jahr zu viel für Abos (inkl. Fitness, Entertaiment, etc.)?
New option in Location Services > System Services(?)! What does it do? "In-App-Browsing" (DE)
iCloud scam!!
What iPhone do you have?
Zettel in Briefkasten mit Beleidigung
Neulich auf LinkedIn
Base iPhone 14. iOS 18.2.1. Searching in settings will show Apple Intelligence options even if they aren’t available on this model.
Stiftung Warentest ist von RCS begeistert
Apple Intelligence with EU Apple ID
Jetzt mal Butter bei die Fische: Kostet es für das Unternehmen (z.B. Restaurant) mehr, wenn ich mi meiner DKB–Debitkarte bezahle als mit EC-Karte?
How do I stop this from being my default? It’s annoying
Fix the keyboard volume, Apple
Which one do you like the most?