Is anyone a secret hand soap snob?
Megathread - 2024 General Election (6am―) - Labour wins the election: Starmer to become PM
Selling a player as a low-income, low-reputation team be like
Kim Christian Hoyenhall newgen always a world class GK?
What British staple do you think you couldn’t do without if you moved abroad?
Still coach even though I resigned, game wont progress
Wing play? what is that?
What tactics are people in the National North/South running?
Workplace nursery scheme - what's the trick here?
Signed some cult heroes for my side in the Dutch amateur 4th tier...I'm shocked any of them were willing to join!
This may be deleted, however this is an update for the Late Threaders!
Just moved into a stadium - is there a way to move back out?
Prime example of a thing that would be extremely annoying if the AI did it to you, but it just feels amazing if it's you doing it.
New Users: Are you having issues with approving your post?
Delaying nursery start date until after mortgage
When my "golden generation" turns out to be a bunch of below average 2 star potentials
Pulling everything 20/30 yards left
Can anyone help me identify the notes on my son's xylophone? I want to learn some simple tunes to impress him but I don't know what is A, B etc. (Also an simple tune recommendations welcome, thanks!)
Player unhappy with loan, weird manager promise
Sleep regressions? WTF!?!
[Discussion Thread] Catch-All LIV Discussion
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. Harley Benton DC kit. 10+ coats of tru-oil.
Available for u19 but never picked
How do I stop humping the ball at contact/follow through? I’m having issues with hosel rockets and inconsistent ball striking. Specifically with the irons, but I’m sure the humping is across the bag.
If you were in a room with other men, what topic do you think will start an instant discussion?