Finally got my bioactive set up done! What do you think?
Hud kfir c10
Rate my setup please!
But does notching actually work…?
Gaijin still hasn't implemented physical model changes for swing wings. It's been 4 years, and i think its unacceptable.
How do I have fun in this game
Sure do love ramming FULL SPEED into the nuke-bomber's underside and magically not killing it. Why are damage models so horrifically inconsistent? 4 20mm will rip off a wing, but an entire plane ramming into the underside doesnt do anything besides break flaps and gear??
Substitute for “nightlights” for when it’s nighttime?
Chonker at reptile show
anyone's geccs be sleeping in the pool
Worth it to get a cummins?
Meet Clarcie
What is in these Tarps on the T-26E5?
Why do non-bombers bomb bases and steal bases?
What is this helicopter? It’s was circling around us for a while
7 Minutes of crew lock for an idiot flying into me
Does my gecko look healthy?
Game deleted 33,404RP I had gained
Average experience at Rocky Pillars
Don’t you think the level 100 rank cap should be raised? Personally, I’ve been stuck at rank 100 for the past two and a half years. If Gaijin were to introduce new levels, what do you think they’d call them since rank 100 is already Marshal?
WhAT PrEmIUm sHOulD i gET gUyS???? Decide for yourself!!!!
Can't replenish ammo in my ADATS
Recently got a mini 7
How the heck am I supposed to use this sheath?