It seems like my feelings are only being listened to when I get mad. Not when I cry, not when I explain them, only when I yell. Is it a common occurrence or am I unlucky with people in that regard?
Man uses a bit of hand sanitizer to stop a snake from devouring itself
Please help explain? It says change in enthalpy is "associated with the change in entropy of the surroundings"? Let's say exothermic reaction, so energgy released into surroundings, so then entropy decreases in the surroundings and increases in system? Is that correct?
Why does my ferret drink water with a blanket over his head sometimes?!?!?!
My sweet pet rat Olive practicing her "fetch from a purse" trick!
the elephant wins vs annoying road people
I lost the best ferret in the world and I feel empty and miserable now.
On February 19, 2013, Canadian tourist Elisa Lam's body was found floating inside of a water tank at the Cecil Hotel where she was staying after other guest complain about the water pressure and taste. Footage was released of her behaving erratically in a elevator on the day she was last seen alive.
what could cause a ferret to weaken, lose ability to use his hind legs almost completely, become incontinent, in just 5 days?
(already went to the vet) weak hind legs, back paws preferred closed like a fist even for walking, trembling a lot, slight nausea. What do you think it could be/what should I sheck for?
Im trying to visualize Shells, Subshells, and Orbitals and I try to drew a diagram for the Neutral Oxygen Atom (only drew until the 2nd shell of the Atom - i know that it exceeds that). I just want to know if my visualization (drawing) of the Shells, Subshells and Orbitals is correct.
Bulb - All I Want for Christmas is You
Auto école: who's got the right of way? Right lane splits into two at red light, left lane has discontinuous white lines. B chooses left lane at divide, A switches lane.
Should my neighbor give up their malinois, and how do I bring it up to her?
Exclusive: Emma Watson Will Return To Harry Potter If JK Rowling Isn't Involved
Free Giveaway! Nintendo Switch OLED - International
what color is it though?
GIVEAWAY: I'm giving away $100 worth of The Witcher merch to one comment in this thread
Honestly, how often do you wash your bedding?
Teamwork makes the dream work!
Half of adults with ADHD have had a substance use disorder. Alcohol use disorder is most common among adults aged 20-39 with ADHD, followed by cannabis use disorder and other drug use disorders. More than one quarter of those with ADHD had major depression
Do you get “long” versions of other viruses other than Covid?