Curse of the Blind - Without knowing with item would you get, would you pick angel or devil item/items ? Or would you go to shop instead ?
Danube's Population: Datavisualisation of Central Europe's largest river
How I saw the world as a kid (6-7 Years old)
Europe in 1989 [OC]
Najnowszy sondaż CBOS. Alarm dla rządzących
Respect, my dear Polish friends!
What’s everyone’s least favorite quality 4 item?
Poland Lithuania as German poland
Fun fact, the supposed 100 million figure also includes SS officers and Wermacht soldiers.
Warship attendance in Europe
UN votes on the necessity of ending the US embargo against Cuba since 1992
Poland backs Donald Trump on raising Nato spending to 5% of GDP
Why is the AQI so bad over upstate New York right now?
What if the Allies reached Warsaw (1950s ish)
Many such cases.
Which city has the most ring roads p capita
Tantamount to holocaust denial at this point.
*Insert obligatory guess the nation here*
I think he might be a bit confused with his geography
EU’s Enlargement
human development index of Europe Africa and Asia
My CK3 Learning Traits Tier List
Project Caesar is actually CK4?
Countries name gender in Ukrainian
60% of Greenlanders want to join EU