Lewis on instagram: First time in red
Is "I'm not ready for a relationship" ever really true?
To those who were not (knowingly) cheated on physically --
Songs that sound like they are about BPD
BPD lying about her Side Supply that I found out about
Struggling with lack of intimacy
I messed it all up
Why do they unblock but never reach out?
Broke no contact after another suicide threat. What should I tell her?
Why do people try to convince us that being single is fun?
We Fell in Love with the version of us that we get to be Through and With the other person
Why do we miss them so much if it was all mostly drama and indifference? masochism?
Dating Struggles: Is It Just Me or Are Red Flags Everywhere?
A Reminder For Anybody in this Subreddit Working on Getting Over Them
what are some of your guys breakup hard truths/hot takes?
How many of you have NPD parents?
Society Actually admires Narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths etc
My ex came back to apologise ~
I just realized that we were never truly close...
Shame might be something you're feeling post discard without realizing it
At what point does it go from Struggling with a Disorder to Plain Evil?
3,5 months since discard. i didnt excepted a hoover but here it is.
Theory: NPD is so hard to treat because society openly and quietly admires them.
How do I become less forgettable?
Why are we expected to wait so long to start dating again