I created a web app that converts cooking videos to actual text recipes so I can save it to Notion.
Incidents and Alerts - Suddenly missing.
MS Teams Service Degradation - Incorrect status
Heavy duty MagSafe charging stand
iPhone 15 Pro overheating causing Obsidian to bubble on Grip case
iPhone 11 locked enrollment freezing
Idle session timeout for unmanaged devices - MacOS
New Dell Laptops having issues with Wifi, anyone else experienced?
Company wide Email signatures
BitTitan Outage
Sharepoint / One Drive / Sync 300k limits / Cloud SMB Share solutions alternative
External emails being rejected - Error 550 5.4.1
Tado "free" Auto-Assist
Windows Defender - ASRFalsely blocking and removing applications
Potentially faulty Virus Definition Update causing issues win Block Win32 API calls from Office Macro ASR? Desktop shortcuts deleted out of the blue and Office executables disappearing.
Multiple users reporting Microsoft apps have disappeared
Cupra/Seat Leon Delivery Times
The Homelab of a Uni Student.
Any tips on how to secure my back garden?
How was the preorder process with iUP this year?
REMINDER: Send Apple Feedback about what bothers you in iOS 11.
UK Upgrade program, best way to order?
JayBird X3 UK release date
[TIL] Siri doesn't know where Mt Kilimanjaro is