Blue Collar workers, Do you wear your watch at work?
New Pen Day! My first gold nib!
Ex wife gave me back her rings
Jinhao 82: What's the catch?
Is now a bad time to trade in and get my dream car?
My 12-year-old kid received a 1099-NEC, do they need to file a tax return?
[WTS] GvFC Intuition 18k broad, FINAL PRICE DROP
Good buy? Or over priced?
Should i clean my kaweco?
I bought this yesterday. Should I look into an extended warranty?
Which is best for stacking? Gov't issued silver (ASE) or generic rounds? Or if in combination, what percentages?
Why do you stack?
What kind of Silver to Purchase as a Noob
Where to begin?
Do you use your pens like a normal pen or baby it?
[WTS] Pilot Decimo VP and Moonman / Majohn A1
Help, I have this pen stuck on the back of my head.
What would be your absolute max payment for this? (Read below)
My first trinity watch
[WTB] Lamy 2000 (M or F)
WTB LAMY 2000 med nib
Top 3 favorite ink brands?
[WTS] Kaweco Cognac (GALEN), TWSBI Mint, TWSBI Creme Rose Gold, Galen Note Board, Asvine V126, INK bottles + samples, etc...
It ain’t much, but this is what I accomplished in ~5 years from 11-16 yo.
Needing help deciding next pen!