Pls Send Gifts I Need Pokeballs
How do shows have “previews,” but are set for “LIVE,” days later if it hasn’t played already ?
3rd pregnancy - 9 years since last one. Question about loss of appetite ?
Four weeks pregnant no symptoms
Culture amnesia/non existent
How does your hair ie eyelashes, know its default length to grow ?
Why do I 35F get the subconscious urge to “b & moan/complain,” when my 28M partner comes around ?
Bf alcohol/substance addiction/possible sex addiction as well
Scorpio sarcasm be like (read my personal quotes)
Is this true? You know what for me I think it is..
Not one of us!
Brainwaves interrupting radio soundwaves & TV imagery
Concentrated charts?
Do any of you have to wear gloves to count pills?
Scorpios let’s talk s3x
Racist lady having a meltdown in train
Please, pray for my job interview result
If God sent YOU to hell would you just accept it just because its fair
If God gave you the power of creation, What would you create?
Absolutely despised by a pharmacist I met for four hours
Programs for single parent kids to teach them how to value things in life & family
What does the Bible say about continuous struggle
Pests? Something else?