Thorn of Misfortune
You can max the Shadow Dragon faction before the first major plot point in the game [DAV ACT 1 SPOILERS]
Footsoldier's Armaments Crow style
[No DAV Spoilers] Does anyone know where this is?
Tevinter Transmogs
Cover Armor
Either Dark Citadel loot is bugged or Blizzard is wildly wrong about what people want
Dark Citadel Greater Cosmetic Drop Rates?
Do heavy plasma and plasma pistol perks stack
PS5 W: Flamberge H: Some DLC stuff
[Psx] W: Sword of Night katana H: Runes, Weapons, Karma
PS5 W: Stacks of Lord or Marika Runes H: “Of Night” armor set and some other dlc stuff
Gorechimera location?
What is Blue Moon's stalker's backstory? (Every Breath You Take spoilers)
Patch 2.1 notes. So Cyberware Shards were indeed bugged...
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread
Masuda Method
Destiny Knot
Charizard waking up this morning