Eggs from my chickens
Eggs from my chickens, a sequel
My feast
More people should have chickens as pets
TIL that these pictures might illicit some strong feelings in Americans as a very popular comment on my Reddit post told me not to share with Americans
Chicken noises ASMR
[intentional] Chicken noises. No talking
Chicken noises. No talking
Starting with older chickens
Where To Start?
Please try ground beef and eggs!!!
Just some casual chicken pictures
I figured yall would be the best to ask…what exactly happened to this egg? It’s hard as a rock and doesn’t crack, even when I smack it pretty hard in the sink. It feels much lighter than the other eggs!
Double yolkers from my chickens
It was bound to happen. Smashed my first pocket egg! I'm officially part of the club now, right???
Getting started
Anyone else’s girls refuse to cooperate for photos and videos?
What is the most difficult question to answer?
Why do you need to buy so many eggs?
First egg home raised chicken egg. It's green with spots!!