French and Indian War Washington wasn't quite yet the general he'll grow up to be
3 months (not including travel) to hash out one creed
I hope a descendant with the same name as me never does something awful
Another war is about to start
Am I the only person around who saw this as a kid?
Not gonna lie, I thought y'all were being wussies for being scared of the angels until I got to The Time of Angels...
It's very clever, you see
And thus a lasting myth was born
Swipe for reveal —->>>
This is a Keynesianism agenda post
Wild indeed
Never forget what he destroyed
A "historian" so bad the publisher had to recall his book for historical inaccuracies
This is the law that after the Supreme Court determined it to be unconstitutional, President Andrew Jackson (allegedly) said "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it."
It's a political desire path and the desire is White Supremacy
Survey finds low levels of "Religious Nationalism" in America. Why doesn't it feel that way?
Nazi Stalin
aproximately 10 million dollars
A weird time
I was sure there had to be more behind this, but it appears to actually be just an extremely specific coincidence
The downside of having your face plastered all over the country for the last 23 years
what cartoon fandom fits on this bus?
Roses are red, the impostor is sus, go on and
Christianization of Europe. The first step
Invent a superpower that helps the world economy.