Are my tastebuds changing, or is food changing?
I swear I remember hearing Mr. Perfectly Fine in 2009?
Who is the woman in the poster on the fridge?
Please recommend to me your most underrated yet loved fantasy books !
What is your first Taylor's song?
What is the most useless fact you know?
What are some easy immediate ways to make life more exciting and feel more alive?
What’s a ‘green flag’ you look for in a partner?
Valid Top 5 Underrated??
As I had some trouble falling asleep last night, what is everyone's go to technique to turn off your brain and just knock out?
Do you rinse your dishes after hand washing?
What's the wildest example of someone totally guessing your age wrong?
If you died and found yourself in the last game you played, what game would you be stuck in?
Trust me, I'm a Mechanic
My trusted helper
what makes you not wanna die?
A little paradise that I can see from my office
Best foods for a beginner to cook in a new pan?
If you could get the 10 minute version of any other song, which one would it be?
You walk into a business for the first time, there are four employees in the room. Without asking any questions, how do you determine who’s in charge?
Can you drive a car with a standard transmission?
How do you decide whether or not to continue a friendship?
In what situation, if any, does your SO have the right to ask you to speak to your friends less?
What’s the smallest thing you’ve ever ended a friendship for?