Each of my Settlements on my Quest to 100% Achievement Completion
Archers are OP in bridge battles
Hypothetically: could the draft be abolished?
Claiming New Regions Isn't Fun or Interesting; Flawed
Who do I contact to make a complaint about the women's basketball broadcasting?
Chicago Sky transactions
Is the passive meat/fur income from the trapping unlock worth it?
I can’t build in my new region. No ox, no money to buy another one.
Interesting and, in my opinion, essential voting in the Official Discord, link below 👇🏻
anyone have a fix for this? he wont move tried saving and reloading but I cant disband him
How the fuck am i even supposed to fight that ;-;
I miss the stall vendors.
In River map there's a bug where Taverns and Weavers collect rooftiles.
Outlaws is criminally underrated
My Player Heir just keeps switching randomly and I’m not sure why
The ability to name your streets/street signs.
Growing regional wealth reliably?
Shy horses?
One and done? Too easy to lose?
Can’t build cobbler’s workshop
They held the gate.
Who is the third best player in the draft?
My royal tax just increased 2x, is this intended?
200+ surplus food, 4 people in the Granary. Why does no one have food?
Hot take: it doesn't matter where your hunting spot is beyond the first 15-20 minutes of a game