What difference has antidepressants made on your life?
What does clinical depression feel like?
What worked for your depression?
What side effects did you have the first few weeks on antidepressants?
How did you know your meds were working for Depression?
What does depression feel like physically?
What side effects when first taking ssris?
What medication/s worked for your depression?
How did you deal with the fatigue associated with depression?
What are the worst symptoms of depression?
What meds worked for your depression?
Whats the best antidepressant for depression that makes you tired and sleepy all the time?
What meds worked best for your depression?
Seeking advice
Seeking medication advice
19M with ADHD, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, and Tic Disorder — Seeking Medication Advice
what causes anehodia and how would someone treat this?
How does mental illness like depression cause someone to become physically fatigued and sleepy all the time?
Symptoms of depression that are physical?
Tough Dilemma!
Tough mental dilemma
Tough mental dilemma!