Bill Clinton was the most recent president to win the entire Mississippi River Chef
what happens if a leader of an icc member state were to have a warrant placed on him/her
Which President was the most qualified to be President?
Before 2008 (with Obama) were there any other black Americans who could have won the presidency?
Which Presidents came closest to becoming a dictator?
what presidential quotes do you use in your everyday life
How did Obama go from winning Indiana by 1 point to losing it by over 10 points in a single election cycle?
new york, los angeles, and chicago are our big 3 cities. if we were to add a 4th, which do you think it would be?
Why is the 2024 election so much closer than 2020?
Was Hillary Clinton too overhated in 2016?
Which of your neighboring state is the most dissimilar to yours, in your opinion?
What is your honest opinion of Presidents? Day 42: George W. Bush
Man Indiana democrats are delusional. (Libleft cuz idk where id put this on the compass)
Who do you consider to look like an "American President" the most?
When was the last time you vomited and why?
Did you ever lost taste in music or art and why did it happen?
What is a smell that comforts you?
How often do you miss your exes?
Who are your personal top ten favorite presidents?
What is your honest opinion of Presidents? Day 39: Ronald Reagan
Tell me what election you wish your opponent party won?
Why did Republicans run John McCain? It seems like he never had a chance of winning.
Which president would you want as your school teacher?
Do you think YOU’D make a good president?
Presidents based on if I think they could win a third term or not