Can anyone tell me which song is playing here?
Muhammad Pedophile - Al-Ka'ba In Flames
What's your favorite release from MP?
Got these for $10 each from a junkie who was sick.
SATANIC WARMASTER Strength and Honor
Keys to the Astral Gates and Mystic Doors 2nd press at Obscurant Visions
What do you guys think of bootlegs?
Vothana - Demo 3
Weltenfeind came through with GBK and Impaled Nazarene
Wolfnacht - Ypervoreia
End of the Year! What were your Top 5 Albums of 2024?
Kommodus - Will to Dominate all Life. OG on Archaic Memories, 2018
Judas Iscariot “Moonlight Butchery” at Iron Bonehead
Gift from my wife. All I need now is the Phục Tùng 7"
Pan-Amerikan Native Front – Tecumseh's War
Favorite color variant.
Grand Belial's Key - Kohanic Charmers
Ordering from Obscurant Visions (Kazachstan)
Rainy day playlist
AOTY is a toss up between these 2 for me.
Muhammad P… Al-Ka Ba In Flames
Has never actually been played.
New arrivals from unmatched dominance.
Purchases from the last couple of months