What is your favorite BMW color?
Everybody gets a leopard
Lost her to Kidney Disease one year ago. It hasn't even gotten 1% easier.
Why does this game hate me
Which ohne is the Most necessary? (Panzer 85-140, Leclerc T4, M1 Abrams 140)
A Saudi in an Audi drifting.
How did I do
More french vehicles at Rank 6
Who wants South Korea to goin the Japanese Techtree
Should there be a swiss Tech-tree?🇨🇭
More DDR (East germany) vehicle?
What BR would you think this fit
Which BR would you give to the TR-85
Who agrees that War Thunder should add T64BM2
A realistic demand for War Thunder
Should the t55 Enigma be added to War Thunder?
„Frag alles“-Thread von r/Warthunderpropsitions
Yeah this community is mainly for suggestions for new vehicles in War Thunder btw
Gaijin when T-84 oplot
rate the rolls
What’s your highest kills you got in a tank?
Anon respects the bro code.
10 months into rolling. Rate the roll 1-10
Rate my roll