How Did This Get Made? #343: Samurai Cop LIVE!
Hate the stigma around weight loss jabs
Numan scam.
Struggling to Inject Due to Needle Fear….
Ghosts Germany Release Date
A dragon series from my childhood but I've got NO idea what it is.
Food cravings while reading Christie -- fish and chips in The Seven Dials Mystery -- anything else?
Worried about waning efficacy
Why is it okay to comment on people's bodies when they're "skinny" but not fat?
What job pays surprisingly low for what they do?
More concern about this co.
Look Around You - predicting the music of the year 2000
Anyone else struggling?
Has anyone used “SheMed”
BBC peddling propaganda
A bit disappointed
LOL is anyone else seeing ads like this?
When did "slut hut" change to "fun hut" -Magic Bleeds
Where can I find episodes of Mischief movie night in?
Movie with female genie ?
First 5mg dose..
Mounjaro being sold by others
Is Joan Hickson Miss Marple to not have a love interest?
People are finally noticing…and I hate it
Second pen, no needles