In your opinion, what Batman story has potential that has never been told?
Movies that don’t waste a single scene?
New Superman reader, here. What am I missing?
Is the John Williams Fanfare as iconic and permanently connected to Superman as his red/yellow/blue color scheme?
(22) Artist, musician, camera shy as hell. I have no clue what I look like, so go nuts with specifics!
Fletcher's Children's Laxative (1940)
Big cats dead from Bird Flu- use caution
My sister's cat finally accepted me 100%
Recreated this picture almost 3 years later!
What do you call a group of tuxedos?
What is this “food” in my daughter’s play kitchen?
Homo sapiens have existed for at least 300,000 years, the oldest known civilization is 7,400 years old, what were humans up to for the remaining 98% of our history?
I call this Smiling Hippo on Lap
I'm not sure what else were they expecting.
Sierra Ferrell fan art
What do you think is the cutest thing about pitbulls? I don’t have one, but whenever I see one I have to strongly resist pat patting their xtra wide noggins. They’re so perfectly palm sized and shaped.
Which artists are popular in real life but not much on the internet?
Odin doesn't know what's going on, he's just happy to be included.
Can you help me pick a name for my cat? It's a young girl and she's constantly sneezing.
Cuteness overload
Is this a tuxedo? She's grey and not black, but she looks like one.
Shelter Cat Painting