Genuinely curious, why would you pick Black Widow over Hawkeye? It just seems that Hawkeye does more damage without the need to reload with better abilities.
Cheapest Way to move 2 duffel bags from Victoria to Queensland?
Male haircuts
police helicopter patrol cars gate crash press conference- mid-pay-dispute
This Melbourne Reddit sub has more followers than LA, NYC, Tokyo and more. How?
Grey fantail with juicy blowfly
Juvenile male gang-gang cockatoo
Camera started having white and pink lines on screen
Help identifying two birds.
Who do you consider the most legendary pro player in cs history?
A juvenile Superb Fairy Wren!
What pet stores are open on Christmas day?
Pied Currawong
"Italian pizza has 0 taste."
When will Christmas coupon be available?
Which game mode for farming XP fastest?
Pressing G was some good fun.
Very important question for me
Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo
Melbourne Pollution Crisis: Litter and Dumping Everywhere
Apparently 'actual walls' between toilets are interesting in the US
Black-faced Cuckooshrike
Dash cam of moment cyclist nearly crushed on Melbourne road