This is my first personal logo. Do you see a cat?
Found this painting at the dump! Artist? Translation?
Queen of the community
Please roast my portfolio
Can i fast Friday only?
Since it seems beach photos count…
HP laser MFP 135W scanner says that it scans up to 600dpi but only shows to 300
I'm new to this. Any advice?
How is the weather in Ulm?
I made a logo for a sport/game called "Toiletball," inspired by the MLB & NBA logos
Any comments?? How it looks..
ink or no ink?
Is the ear with wings or without better?
I want to learn 3d modelling. Where do i start?
I’m tired of these men, y’all
Are the eyes too much?
Maybe he's the one who should be arrested
This has to be made up right? I’m female but I don’t remember mine changing that much in the time frame this would be possible.
I might be travelling to Ulm soon. Any tips or friends?
I NEED HELP PLEASE! how can I make the text move like a carousel, triggering by the triangle buttons but at the same time the little circle things change colours as you move?
Sisters please
Is this a good photo?
Are men actually this dumb
Why you not interested to sleep with strangers
met a guy at the train station who asked to be friends