I wish my memory would haunt him for the rest of his life
4 months NC post BU
Finally, 4 months later, finally pain fades and gives space for angrry
Starting this week. Looking for some positive stories.
Things to do during treatment
they’ll regret it.
how does anyone do this lol
Do people normally leave out of nowhere?
How do you cope with break up?
Time it takes to get over a ‘healthy’ break up ?
Does anyone not *want* to move on?
The aftermath of impulsively hooking up with an ex
I don’t get it
Does it get better?
I have been broken up with my ex gf for 2 months and it is killing me
Why did y'all break up?
You don’t abandon someone you love
I’m close to texting him
Fake it till you make it?
24/7 thoughts about an ex
Do exs ever come back? Tell me your story
For those further out from the breakup (4+ months), what has your healing journey been like?
Some people come in your life to show you that you didn't deserve them and then leave.
Does anyone else secretly wish that your ex never finds someone new?
My birthday. But he will still not message...